
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Grinds my gears"

I didnt know what to write for this blog. So i thought long and hard. And I then realized Im good at ranting about things that piss me off. Its like a specialty of mine, a talent. So here it is..

  • You know what angers me, what really.. wait for it .. "grinds my gears". The risks of being quiet. Other people than fill it with there own interpretations. You're bored. You're depressed. You're shy. You're stuck up. You're judgmental. Like think about it.. when other can't read us, they write there own story. Not one we chose, not one that is true to who we are.

  • Do you ever get into an argument with someone and you are actually unable to speak for a moment because you're so blown away by how utterly wrong and ignorant the other person being that you can not possibly understand how anyone could actually believe the things they are saying. (DONALD TRUMP)

  • Here's something else. And before you read this, I promise you I am not insecure. But really I don't think good looking people realize how lucky they are. Its all very well telling people to love themselves, butts not so easy when society has skewed peoples perceptions to be beyond narrow and completely limited. Like seriously, if you don't conform to society's views of beauty , you're invisible. And god imagine how much it hurts when that is you.

  • Its okay to disagree with thoughts or opinions expressed by others. It really is, BUT that does not give you the right to deny any sense they might make. NOR does it give you the right to accuse someone of poorly expressing there beliefs just because YOU don't like what they are saying. Just learn to be okay with things that are different from what you know, even if it means overcoming your pride and having to open your mind to beyond what is comfortable for you.

  • DON'T YOU DARE ever get mad at someone for "changing". We learn new things and see new points of view everyday. Of course we change. 

  • Ill be the first to admit it. We all make lists. List of what we want in a lover, like brown hair and a sweet voice. Someone intelligent with a good heart. Someone with a great sense of humor, who can always make you laugh. This and that. But its all bullshit. Because people aren't lists. And I want people to realize that. I want to come across someone with a list in there head that is nothing like the person I am, and I want to show them what they didint know they were even looking for. If you think you know what you're looking for, you're fooling yourself. Nobody knows what they're looking for.. not until its right in front of them.


  1. It is always good to rant about things. I can relate to a few of your point. I do like the way I look but I also don't like it when good looking people say that they are not good looking. I just want to tell them that they are really good looking and they need to stop complaining.

    1. I mean maybe thats when the definition of beauty comes in. Everyone's got a kinda different type. Thank you for reading my blog, means a lot that you agree with my point of views!

  2. I really love this blog! I love the way you explain yourself, and how you see things, it really gives me a different point of view of myself. I feel like you think a lot like me and I agree with most of the things you are stating in your rants. It's always good to rant but I guess not too much, people will begin to feel like you are providing them with negative vibes.Keep up the great work!

    1. I think we do think a lot, you remind me an awful lot of my best friend. I feel like ranting can be good for one, and i know what you mean, too much is not so good. Thanks for reading my post, and thanks for your "positive vibes"!

  3. I really liked this blog (just like the rest of them) but anyways this was a very nice way to learn a little more about you and what annoys you, I know what to do to keep you happy (finally though I would never know) but never mind that I think that my favourite thing was the way you added donald trump at the end. everything that comes out of his mouth annoys me OMG

  4. Stopped reading at the feminism post.

    Laci Green is the actual author of many of your lines:
    Many oh her lines are plagiarized in part or in whole (word-for-word) with no quotations or sourcing.)

    Administrator status of your blog will be returned at the end of the semester.
