
Thursday, January 21, 2016


Im a feminist. No that does not make me a lesbian, a man hater and I definitely shave. But it is important and let me tell you why..

I'm a feminist because girls are taught in public schools that once she has sex "shell lose a part of herself", because women who have a lot of sex are sluts well guys are studs. (DOUBLE STANDARDS)

Because 1/4 young women are sexually assaulted and society still asks "what is she wearing?" Because male victims of rape aren't believed. Because cat calling and because street harassment, because no, it is not a f*cking compliment. Im a feminist because boobs are used to sell everything from burgers to soap but don't you dare breastfeed out in the open. Im a feminist because of how much pressure we put on girls to value there appearance above everything else. Im a feminist because in 2013 there were over 700 bills proposed to regulate a women's body. And for men : 0.  I'm a feminist because the political body making decisions about MY BODY is over 80% male. wow. Because men occupy the top rungs of not just politics but every industry in the world. 

Women only hold one in four stem jobs,
6% of tv stations,
5% of executive positions  in the media,

Im a feminist because every time I took on a leadership role as a kid , all the adults said " you're being bossy."  LETS NOT EVEN FORGET ABOUT THE SNEAKY  PAY GAP ... by the time a woman reaches the age of 60, she will have made 450 000$ less than a male with the same exact position. (That's like a fancy house , a truck load of chocolate bars) Im a feminist because the media tells me that woman are my competition. Im a feminist because of GENDER ROLES. Because of that one size fits all binary that shoves us into boxes and erases who we are. 

Im a feminist because in tenth grade my bestfriend was called a pussy and that tore him up for weeks. And I realized that the worst insult was to be compared to a girl. Because boys are shamed for being emotionally open, because that is a "girl thing" and "womanhood" is weak.

Im a feminist because my dad never once did the laundry , made dinner, or cleaned the house. 

Im a feminist because I believe the world should be safe for all girls, everywhere. Because half the girls is Yemen will become child brides. Because 65% of Brazilian woman who dress in revealing clothes deserve to be raped. Because in Saudi Arabia woman still can't vote or drive.

Im a feminist because when I dare to get pissed off over "injustice", Im just another crazy feminist who is "on her period". 

Im a feminist because I believe in gender equality, and my eyes are open and my minds active and I know were not there yet. 

Image result for feminism


  1. I loved this post! I like how you gave many examples of inequalities between men and women and double standards. What a lot of people do not understand is that feminism is equality between men and women. They think being a feminist is a negative thing to be when it really is not. Keep up the fantastic work Batoul! :)

  2. About the part where you say that girls become sluts and guys become studs after having sex. Don't you think that a key that can open any door is a great key,but a door that opens with any key is a broken door.

    1. I agree with you George. I do believe in gender equality however I think that today's version of feminist are all in favor of women however what about the guys? For example, if a girl went to a party and got drunk and met a drunk guy and had intercourse, if the girl says yes before doing it but the next day she decides that she didn't, it was rape. However this rule doesn't apply for men :(

  3. So in love with this blog. Adore the way you wrote and all the stats and information you gave, but I think the thing I loved the most was how personal it was and you could tell you put your heart and soul into this. Not to mention the opening line made me want to read it and hope that it never ended.
