
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Death Penalty

"Capital punishment, death penalty or execution is government sanctioned punishment by death. The sentence is referred to as a death sentence. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences, such as first degree murder, terrorism, and espionage."

In 1983 an 11 year old from north Carolina, was raped and suffocated. Her body later found on a field. Two mentally disabled half brothers, Henry Mcallom and Leon Brown quickly became targets of the investigation. After hours of the interrogation they each confessed. They were convicted and sentenced to die. Sounds like well served justice ? But here's the problem, Mcallom and Brown were innocent . After 30 years of death row. Evidence reveals that another man who had lived near the scene ,who had a record of sexual assault and was the murderer. He was never investigated during the case. WE EXECUTED TWO MEN FOR A CRIME THEY DID NOT COMMIT, That shows just how dangerous the death penalty is.

Even if you think some people deserve to die, governments make mistakes. That means having to accept the unacceptable. Innocent people will die, it can not be undone and we can not compensate for it the way we can with mistaken imprisonment.

But what if the death penalty doesn't make us any safer, it hasn't deter crime more then life sentence without parole. Innocent people can and have been wrongfully sent to die for many reasons. Take Curtis McCartney, he was sentenced to death for the murder of a police officers daughter. After 22 YEARS OF PRISON, he was exonerated. He returned home to a terminally ill mother , a now adult son and a grand daughter he has never held. 22 YEARS of Curtis McCartney's life were stolen from him because of altered or lost of evidence. Does that make you feel safe? How many more innocent people need to die for people to understand that death penalty is NOT OKAY.

I mean come one... "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".Its got to take a monster to destroy a monster. I mean basically we kill people, who kill people because killing is wrong. Wow that logic behind that is great.. 

Worst of all is you'll have people who are pro war, pro unmanned drone bombs, pro nuclear weapons, pro guns, pro torture, pro land mines  and pro death penalty and will still say they're PRO LIFE. Hypocrisy ?

All Im trying to say is that I don't think its progressive or effective to try and resolve problems by eliminating a human life. Who are we to take away someones life. 

Image result for death penalty


  1. I really enjoyed this blog, I feel that the death penalty should be something to consider if the crime is right. I feel that this may not eliminate the safe factor in our daily lives but for the families that were affected by this person it would make them feel better because they would have to pay the consequences.

  2. Excellent post Batoul! I agree with you 100% that we do not have the right to take away another person's life. The death penalty in my opinion, is unnecessary and should be eliminated in all countries. There are much better ways to solving problems than killing people, especially when these people could be innocent. Overall, I love your writing style and your insight. I look forward to your next post! :)

  3. Love this blog! I truly do agree. I feel like the death penalty makes the law as bad as a potential killer. I mean if the governement can control our lives there must be other ways to stop major crimes. Either way, I really do love reading your opinions about the death penalty and I love your writing style it seems very genuine.
