
Wednesday, April 15, 2015


To be honest... life kind of sucks at times. Most of my friends come to me with the same problems. So you meet someone, and he/she seems so nice.You probably go to school together, may not have a lot classes but you do see each other in the halls and at lunch. You grow even closer and you eventually swap numbers. You talk, and you talk. You end up realizing how much you love talking to this person. A 3 hour conversation will seem like 5 short minutes. You bond over corny jokes, music, art and other things. You share secrets, fears, things you love, things you hate, literally everything. You may disagree with them and argue, but just one look at them and without even noticing the biggest smile is put on your face. 

Days and weeks go by, and now you've grown another fear. The fear of loosing someone you know care about so much? The fear of falling too hard ? The fear of not being enough? Or maybe you're just scared because this person means more to you then anyone else. You then start doing stupid things, like being defensive and stubborn for no reason, being too needy, craving attention 24/7. Finally you convince yourself, that the persons better off without you and that they deserve better. 

You stop talking, you go back to being strangers. Its like you die a little inside because now you have to walk by them everyday, and pretend like you never knew them, never even talked to them before. When really you know everything about them. You're hurt, and can't move on because you messed up something that was so perfect, something you feel you may never get again. I mean you can try, but really how are you supposed to get over that? 

So now you've got a choice, I mean its obvious you're not over the person and truly miss them so do you follow what your heart wants or do you go with the rational decision. I mean its easy to make up your  mind but convincing your heart is the hard part.

You may be wondering if its worth it. But honestly that's not even up to you to decide. Say you do pour your thoughts and heart to this person. Its there say, sometimes people just change and no longer want things they used to want. Don't let that stop you though, you wont know unless you try. Hope for the better.

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” 
― Stephen ChboskyThe Perks of Being a Wallflower


  1. Interesting blog and great voice. You really know how to get to the bottom of an emotional issue.

    I can relate to your post about death. When I lost my father, I was angry and sad and confused, all at the same time. It's so tough to go on, when you expect still them to give you a call any minute.

    - Media could improve. Last two posts have nothing. More videos perhaps?
    -Some grammar/spelling issues (it’s vs its, loosing, then vs than, there vs their etc.) run-ons, awkward phrasing at times.
    - Advice is vague sometimes. What do you specifically recommend?
    - I’d love to see explanations for your quotes. I don't always get how they relate to your posts.
    - If you give us a quote, make sure you let us know where it’s from. (ex. 3 pieces of advice).

    Fantastic start. I'm really enjoying it TBH.

  2. Amazing blog Batoul, what you say is very true, and i feel that your blog can really help peaple trough many issues, your english is very well written, and you have really good avice to share, keep up thegreat and amazing work, and i hope to see your next blog.

  3. Great blog post Batoul! I know exactly what you mean. We always seem to find that one person that means the absolute world to us but we can't be sure that it'll stay that way forever. Life is hard, but we have to make the best of it. There will always be other people.. we just have to keep the faith until we find them. I'm really enjoying your content so far. Keep up the good work!

  4. Amazing blog post Batoul as always!!!! I feel like your blogs and your opinion in general can help a lot of people get threw tough times. I love your blog so much because every time its a different blog and you give a different opinion on it. I cant wait to read your next blog.

  5. Super nice blog post Batoul! This was a very strong and meaningful post. I haven't really had this kind of situation but if someday I do, I will definitely use your advice and go for it. That quote at the bottom was very touching. Yes, everyone should accept the love they deserve and everyone deserve love.

  6. You're kind of lucky if you have already experienced such a strong bond, I myself can't say that I had felt so strongly about someone. The quote is completely accurate especially for me, honestly it is for anyone. I really enjoy reading your blogposts, and I love the way you write....
    You should be a writer ;)
