
Thursday, April 9, 2015

3 pieces of advice

1/3- Don't give into peer pressure
Being in high school, you're tempted by so many things, things you see everyone else doing, things that are considered "cool". I on the other hand, for some reason, my personality just does not desire these things and even though I was the odd one out, I would never give into things I knew weren't right. Sometimes I guess it seems like a good idea to "live a little", but you should never do something you don't want to do. Don't be peer pressured. People nowadays are willing to weaken themselves for the sake of others. DO NOT let others define and set the pace of your life. Be YOUR best, live YOUR best. "Make every day count and you'll see how exponentially more exciting, thrilling, successful. Happy and full your life will be."

2/3- Mental health

Your mental health should always come before anything else, even school. If its midnight, and you have an exam or test the next day, but you're completely stressed out, you're shaking and having trouble breathing. Gets some ice cream and go to bed. So what if you get a 62% on the exam the next day? You took care of yourself and at the end of the day that will always come before a high test score. To hell with anyone who says differently.

3/3- You don't need other people to make you happy

You're whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You're a complete masterpiece all by yourself and you do not need anyone else to validate your existence. Yes most of us need people; usually it’s to feel some sort of connection. Don't try so hard to be an army of one, work on depending on yourself and needing people from time to time."True happiness is shared, find your own happiness and let other give it to you too."

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“Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.” 
― Robert Frost


  1. I enjoy the way you see things, and how you put a lot of yourself into your blog posts. Also, I can easily relate to this post, mostly the part about peer pressure. Around this age fitting in is a big thing for most teenagers, I like how you see it more, being yourself is the most important thing!

  2. I agree with the aspect of living at your own pace and not becoming consumed with trying to fit in. I also agree with the fact that you should work on yourself, you don't need anyone, well for me personally I don't need anyone I just prefer to have them there. These 3 pieces of advice are important to know throughout all your teenage years.

    1. I completely agree with you Mikayla. I think its important to remember these things especially at our age. We're young and were eventually going to be put is rough situations, that is when we should remember that we don't have to do anything we do not want to do. Thanks for reading!

  3. Here we go again. I completely disagree with this blog post. To start off, your first piece of advice conflicts with your second, if your always the safe kid who never has fun you'll become a social outcast, something that can't be good for your mental health. While I'm talking about mental health, getting bad grades and stressing about getting into the right university (now that you have 62's) is probably way worse for your mental health then staying up for one night studying, the grades will follow you for the rest of your life, one night of bad sleep won't. Lastly, being a recluse or a hermit is also not healthy, even if you don't think so people are an important factor in your happiness, the reason humans are so successful as a species is because we are social creatures, we need each other.

    1. You won't be a social outcast if you decide to not drink underage or get stoned every weekend. You have a say in everything you decide to do. Also I think you should pay closer attention to the points I'm actually trying to get across and stop wanting to disagree with everything that is being said. If you'd like to get into further details please feel free to email me. -

  4. Another amazing blog post, Batoul! I really like the advice that you have given. I agree that your mental health is definitely more important in the end. People don't seem to realize how much pressure we are under during high school. Mental health not only effects us psychologically but also physically, keep up the good work!
