
Sunday, March 1, 2015


Takes years to build and seconds to be shattered. Yes, you've probably already guessed it. Trust. I think the worst thing about trusting someone is you never know whose fault it is once they betray you. Do you blame them or do you blame yourself for trusting them? Some people find it is hard to trust others. Sometimes it’s because of past experiences. They think trust should be something to be earned, not given

What a word... It can make a difference between a friend and an enemy. The word is overused, misunderstood and mistreated making it almost worthless. Trusting someone by telling your secrets, showing a part of you, not a lot of people have seen... Now being confident the other person won't screw you over is the tricky part. They're now in a position to hurt you, to expose you, or use this as an opportunity to blackmail you. So how do you know, how can you tell if you can trust someone, or can even trust anyone at all?

Want my advice? TRUST NO ONE. 

It's the best way to assure yourself you will not be betrayed. In the end everyone ends up alone, but that should be enough right? You can never be certain if a friend's all in; you never know what’s going on in their head. All in all, the only person you can trust 100% is yourself, am I wrong? You need to rely on no one, to not depend on anyone but yourself. 

Also, people leave when things get tough. I for instance, I always find myself holding on to people, and they were always leaving. So my advice to you now is, don't set yourself up for disappointment. Stay safe, and just be independent.

NOTE: If someone is willing to say nasty things about their best friend, odds are they're doing the same for you. It may feel like the person is revealing to you-spilling their secrets, but I think this is a sign that they're not trustworthy. Don't get me wrong, it’s okay to vent to someone else about how a friend of ours is bothering us, BUT there is a fine and clear line between having a harmless venting session and being completely mean about your friends. Somebody once told me that the people we'd take a bullet for are usually the ones behind the trigger.

You should also keep in mind 3 things - Never beg anyone, trust no one, never expect anything from anybody. 

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche 


  1. Another great blog post Batoul! I love how in this post, you made your readers reflect on all these different questions when it comes to trusting someone. Thanks to your advice, I know now not to fully trust someone because they have the right and will to break that trust at any moment. I also loved the picture you showed, it made me reflect even deeper. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. This blog is something I can relate to deeply, I myself have my own reasons as to why I trust no one. I feel like this blog has further clarified them for me. I know you very well, yet I do not know why you are so keen on describing the fact that at the end of the day you only have yourself. I feel that if you explain to us why you think this way then we will be able to better grasp the reasoning behind this and why you would only have yourself when things get tough.

  3. I know I've already commented on this but now that I re-read it, I understand it more, but isn't life about taking risks I mean you don't have to put yourself in bad situations but if you never take risks how are you supposed to learn from them. You seem like a strong person but not everyone is raised in the sense that they are confident in only having themselves.

  4. I know I've already commented on this but now that I re-read it, I understand it more, but isn't life about taking risks I mean you don't have to put yourself in bad situations but if you never take risks how are you supposed to learn from them. You seem like a strong person but not everyone is raised in the sense that they are confident in only having themselves.

  5. I really enjoy the way you express your opinion on this subject. I agree with what you have to say about trust and the three pointers you left at the end of the blog, especially to trust no one. The second you completely trust someone is a big mistake, they now hold a secret or whatever it might be that you told them to not tell anyone. I really enjoy your post and can relate to them easily!

  6. Here we go, arguing time. First off trusting someone is important, sometimes you need to get things off your chest, and if you don't have anyone to trust or talk to the stress might literally kill you. Secondly, in your blog you said to stay safe and not set yourself up for disappointment, but the real trick is to deal with disappointment not avoid it. In all honestly disappointment is everywhere in life and the only way to avoid it is to lock yourself up in a closet with food and water, and I don't think that's any way to live your life. The truth is that disappointment is a part of life and everyone will feel it at one point or another, so don't try to avoid it, brace yourself for it. Live life how you want, but always be ready to be disappointed.

  7. Wow, what a great blog post Batoul! I really enjoy the way you express yourself. I also really enjoy the advice that you give. You sound very wise in most of the subjects you address and I can't wait to read more of what you come up with! Keep up the good work.
