
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Religion ( What I don't understand ..)

This blog is going to be my personal take on religion. In no way do I mean to offend anyone. These are my personal thoughts and opinions..

I grew up with a dad who was fully muslim, my mom was half and then half catholic Christian. I mainly followed my dad but I also attended and still do attend a catholic school, that is since I was 4. I am familiar with every story in the old testament. From when Adam and Eve were created, to when Moses free'd the Jews. ("let my people go") Ive attended church many times and  ive attended the mosque many times. I can recite most of the catholic prayers, and I can recite verses of the Quaran (Muslim Holy Bible). I always thought of myself as a pretty religious person. Until this year..

One thing I know for sure is that it just does not add up. I mean I think I believe in God, theirs got to be some sort of explanation to why everything is the way it is. But then wheres the proof? How am I suppose to believe something that may not be true? How do I know Jesus died on the cross? How do I know that in order to get to heaven I must pray 5 times a day? Religion has actually convinced people that their is an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. This invisible man has also a list of ten things, he has a place , full of fire and smoke and burning and torture. Where he will send you to live and suffer and scream and cry forever. But he loves you! Hes all perfect, all knowing, all wise... 

One thing that angers me, is religion screams out " You have to", like everything is forced. And if you do not follow everything, your bad person and once you die youll be sent to hell... but then what am I supppose to believe .. my next blog will explain my theory..
“belief is the death of intelligence.” 
― Robert Anton WilsonCosmic Trigger: Die letzten Geheimnisse der Illuminaten oder An den Grenzen des erweiterten Bewusstseins


  1. Omg amazing blog Batoul!! I love every blog you post. I love how you gave your story and your opinion. I cant wait to see your next blog because I always love your blogs and they're always different. Your opinion inspire me, and they make me see someone's else's point of view

  2. For once I'm not going to argue with you, I agree with your point of view, religion is weird, and different, and I don't really get why people follow it. Religion can be great for some people, but it can restrict others in a way I'll never understand. Why would someone who loves you force you do certain things, and what's the reasoning behind it? I guess we'll never know for sure.

  3. Its crazy the world we live in and I agree with this blog. I feel as if at times religion was invented to give humans hope that there is life after death, in a fictional wonderful place called heaven. What I don't understand is if God loves everyone why would he send the people he "loves" to a terrible place like hell. If God exists and wants the best why do terrible things happen. Either way I have no answer, just an opinion. Good work though

  4. I do agree that there does seem to be some type of contradiction in the depiction of God : on one hand, most abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) teach us that God is all-forgiving and sincere, but on the other hand, you read religious texts and they seem vengeful and angry.

  5. I also find it interesting how you chose to use "he" as referring to God. I feel like it shows how patriarchal abrahamic religions are, and how even though "God has no gender!" people chose to use masculine pronouns.
